立博在线体育校友Peter Sipla.


校友问&和Peter Sipla 07年一起



Peter Sipla ' 07是芝加哥地区舞台的老手. Recently, he made his wide-rel缓解 film debut in “A Man Called Otto,” 相反 Tom Hanks. 西普拉在北中央大学学习戏剧和音乐表演, where he performed in 14 mainstage productions and discovered his love of dialect and voice work. 伊利诺伊州沃伦维尔.他从六岁起就开始演戏.

问:在你的职业生涯中,你在舞台上演了很多戏, 在画外音, 在电视和电影中. How is live acting different from acting on camera or mic, and what do you prefer, if anything?

A:舞台上的现场表演在几个方面与录制的媒介有点不同, 但让立博在线体育从它们的相似之处开始. 在他们的根源, the preparation is the same: reading the script over and over to know the the story as best you can; studying and analyzing the script for how characters and scenes fit into that story; allowing time for asking questions and making decisions about your character, in terms of their backstory and their relationships; testing those choices while running through the scenes: seeing how they 感觉 in your body, 看他们是否忠于作品的文字和精神, as a whole; and so forth.

Paramount to this preparation is rehearsing your lines 大声 as much as you can. 就像在体育运动或举重房里练习一样, ingraining a muscle memory for your actual mouth musculature helps the words 字面上的 感觉 你在表演中说的更自然. 这样的准备可以让你脱口而出, 就好像你在那一刻正在思考和说话. This “muscle memory” also lets your body assist you when nerves are high and stimuli abounds, 无论是来自现场观众的能量, 或者是在电影拍摄现场可能出现的压力或焦虑, 只要有时间,就和经验丰富的专业人士对手戏 字面上的 钱.

出于不同的原因,我喜欢不同的表演方式. 在舞台上表演有前面提到的现场观众的能量, as well as the enjoyment and congruity of conveying a character’s entire story arc every night, 不管你是主角还是配角. 当然, 还有经常提到的声音能量和投射, 更不用说你需要的体力来填补你表演的空间了.

Film acting is more about focused energy and navigating a bit more of the unknown. 你已经做了所有能做的准备, 就角色和故事而言, but you don’t have the hours and weeks of rehearsals for planning and setting physical movement, 被称为阻塞, 就像你在舞台上做的那样. There is a different kind of electricity and energy that occurs when you know who you are and how you generally interact with the world, 但你不知道周围的人会怎么做. 它创造了一种完全在场的感觉, 你所有的感官都准备好接受了, 就像你第一天上学的感觉, 或者你的第一次中学舞会, 或者第一次约会.

画外音亭也有一些相同的准备, 在角色选择方面, 尤其是你的观点, 你的意见, 你现在的精神状态, 以及你表达这些特定词语的意图. 但它也有好的一面. You get to craft each moment of the performance with the editor/director through a lot of different runs through the script, 调整和完善你的音质和你的意图.


A:这个角色本身和其他角色没什么两样, 通过制作公司聘请选角导演, those casting directors putting out notices to the agents and the industry in general, 我的经纪人推荐我, and the casting and production team being interested in seeing me submit an audition tape.

Taping the audition was interesting in the fact that it felt 就像 every other day. 我和06届的亚当和11届的凯莉·比尔曼·格伦住在一起, 都是NCC剧院的校友, 在演出间隙的三个月里, 后来变成了两年半, 由于大流行. Throughout that time, Adam would be my off-camera reader for all of the auditions I submitted. 所以,立博在线体育真的在他们的地下室录下了最初的场景! 当立博在线体育结束, 我对他说, “嗯, 不管接下来会发生什么, 立博在线体育都将为汤姆·汉克斯和丽塔·威尔逊表演!(两人都是这部电影的制片人。).

几周后, 我得到了导演的虚拟试镜机会, 马克·福斯特(以《立博体育平台》等电影而闻名),“《立博在线体育》。,和《立博体育平台》)。, 也发生在亚当和凯莉的地下室吗!

立博在线体育校友Peter Sipla poses in front of the poster for the movie "A Man Called Otto."

Q: Have you had any special experiences meeting Tom Hanks or other actors you admire?

答:令人难以置信, I’ve had quite a few within the first decade and a half of my professional career: learning from and working with JoBe Cerny, 皮尔斯伯里面团男孩的声音, 与丹妮尔·戴德维勒和蒂莫西·西蒙斯合作《立博体育平台》," 与戏剧传奇合作, 比如迈克·努斯鲍姆, 凯特·鲍德温, 罗伯特Cuccioli, 凯西Voytko, 格雷格渡边, 还有乔·福隆达, 举几个例子. 

对于这个项目,我有一些难忘的经历. 为马克·福斯特试镜,然后和他一起在片场工作是我最想做的事. 就像我走进片场见到丽塔·威尔逊一样. She and Tom, as well as the entire cast and crew were incredibly welcoming and gracious. 很高兴看到,即使在那种成功的水平上,他们仍然坚持下去 仁慈 和支持 就像高技能、专注和专业一样重要.

立博在线体育在片场午休的时候, 我和排在我后面的人搭讪, 然后和他一起坐下来吃午饭. 交谈几分钟后,我意识到他就是大卫·马吉, 这部电影的编剧, 也是因《立博在线体育》获得奥斯卡提名的作家,“寻找梦幻岛。," (他曾与立博在线体育的导演合作过)和《立博体育平台》(Mary Poppins Returns)等等. 立博在线体育通过共同的配音背景建立了联系, which was what led to him adapting books into abridged audiobooks that he also narrated, 然后开始写作和改编剧本.      

On set, I was able to act with and 相反 Tom Hanks for about 10 and a half hours that day! 说它是一种范式转变,可能是轻描淡写的. 能够欣赏大师的技艺, 看看他们在拍摄间隙是怎么工作的, 然后有了极大的特权去施展我自己的技艺 相反 他们,是一份礼物. 汤姆全神贯注,但在拍摄间隙很放松. 下午过了一半, 也许是因为他觉得立博在线体育午饭后都需要补充能量, 他增加了游戏性, entertaining us between takes with that youthful energy and brilliant comedic timing that he’s known for from movies 就像 "Big" and his guest appearances on "Saturday Night Live."


My long-term goals on that front have not changed since I set them almost two decades ago. 我认为设置大一点很重要, 几乎深不可测, 长期目标能激励你, 就像, “我想成为立博在线体育这一代最伟大的演员之一, creating a legendary body of work by continually deepening and showcasing my skills.“这适用于范围, 深度, 缓解, 现实主义, 夸张, 幽默, your vocal and physical instruments–whatever aspect you’d 就像 to focus on at that time.

我为每个人设定了更小、更具体的目标 季节, whether that be a few months or a year, so that I’m intentional in growing and honing my skills. I think I will always strive to be the best actor and teammate that I can be at the present moment.

As far as next steps, I’d love to continue to gain momentum in the film and television field. 我刚看完流媒体电视节目的第二集, 这是我第一次在剧里扮演循环角色. 我想继续在电影中扮演更重要的角色, 以及在电视剧中更多的循环角色和常规角色.



Q: How would you advise theater students on how to have a successful career in acting?

A:边做边学. Ever since acting with my dad and my sister Bequita (also an NCC theater alum) from the age of 14 in NCC’s Community 剧院 Summer Musicals, 由无与伦比的布莱恩·林奇执导, 我有一个贪婪的胃口学习新的技能,然后 把它们付诸实践 在舞台上,在教室里,或者在咖啡店里读剧本. 直到大流行, I had been in three to five different productions a year over the span of 20 years, starting in community and children’s theater and transitioning into professional theater. 拥有这么多测试和改进的机会是不可磨灭的.  

发挥你的想象力. From imagining myself in far off places with the neighborhood kids while we played in our yards, 到创造故事情节和“整个世界”,就像我妈妈说的, 和我年轻时的人偶, 我对创作的热爱在成年后找到了新的媒介. 每当我发现自己对工作不满意的时候, 通常是因为我已经做好了技术和智力上的准备, but have neglected to go deep enough into the imagination-driven aspects of creating a character.

慢慢来. Though having little sense of urgency had to be remedied on the professionalism front, 这样我才能准时出现在各个地方, 这对我的准备工作很有帮助. 当你在阅读剧本的早期阶段,不要着急. 让剧作家在你心中激起的画面充斥你的感官. 记录下你内心深处的共鸣. 当你第一次读完它的时候,安静地坐一会儿. 让故事的分量影响你,并注意它是如何影响你的. 再一次,把这些笔记写下来. 花点时间想象一下自己在这些情况下, 做一些猜测, 在逐场阅读的时候尝试一些东西. 在难得的时刻,你有更多的时间来准备试镜, 把剧本里的台词都读一遍 大声 所以你至少对角色的整个故事有过一次了解. Take note of what words and intentions 感觉 very different from your own natural inclinations, and start to work out how they would be pulled out of you: what circumstances would have to surround you for you to 需要 说出来.        

向伟大的老师学习. Find and work with people who are good at what they do, and are passionate about your development. Observe, asks questions, mimic their useful work habits, and integrate what works for you. 有机会和Brian Lynch这样的教授一起工作, Carin Silkaitis, 黛博拉Palmes, 杰克Phend, 皮特·马丁内斯, Dr. 雷蒙娜·维斯,詹姆斯·法尔曾. 拉里·范·奥因, 琳达·奥格登·哈根, 保罗Grizzell, Barb Vanderwall, 和许多, many others throughout my college career was an integral part of my growth as a professional actor and as a well-rounded human being. I’ve continued to seek out and work with great coaches and directors throughout my professional career.

与优秀的团队合作. Dawn Gray and the entire team at Gray Talent Group have represented me since 2009, 他们是我演艺生涯中不可思议的合作伙伴.


最后, 无论做什么都要追求卓越. 当你做不到的时候,要善待自己. 完善你的过程,坚持下去,享受每一刻.

立博在线体育校友Peter Sipla.